How to summarize Azure AD sign-ins from certain IP ranges using Log Analytics
We needed to figure out which users were signing in to Azure AD from networks that were not internal. By using a KQL Query in Log Analytics this was made very simple.
The KQL Query
union AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs, SigninLogs
| where ResultType == 0
| extend IsFromInternalNetwork=ipv4_is_in_any_range(IPAddress, "", "", "")
| where IsFromInternalNetwork == false
| project TimeGenerated, IsFromInternalNetwork, CorrelationId, UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, AppDisplayName, AppId, OperationName, DeviceDetail_dynamic, NetworkLocationDetails, Location
| mv-expand parse_json(NetworkLocationDetails)
| evaluate bag_unpack(NetworkLocationDetails)
| summarize UniqueSignIns=count_distinct(CorrelationId) by UserPrincipalName, tostring(networkNames), networkType, Location
Understanding the Query
First, we union the tables for Non-interactive Sign-ins and regular Sign-ins, excluding all records which do not reflect successful sign-ins (where ResultType == 0). The internal IP ranges are specified in row 3, and then we exclude all records with IP Addresses not in this range. (where IsFromInternalNetwork == false).
The finished table counts all distinct sign-ins and summarizes by the user, and the named networks set up in Azure.