How to summarize Azure AD sign-ins from certain IP ranges using Log Analytics

Gabriel Gunnarsson,Azure ADLog AnalyticsKQL

We needed to figure out which users were signing in to Azure AD from networks that were not internal. By using a KQL Query in Log Analytics this was made very simple.

The KQL Query

union AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs, SigninLogs
| where ResultType == 0
| extend IsFromInternalNetwork=ipv4_is_in_any_range(IPAddress, "", "", "")
| where IsFromInternalNetwork == false
| project TimeGenerated, IsFromInternalNetwork, CorrelationId, UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, AppDisplayName, AppId, OperationName, DeviceDetail_dynamic, NetworkLocationDetails, Location
| mv-expand parse_json(NetworkLocationDetails)
| evaluate bag_unpack(NetworkLocationDetails)
| summarize UniqueSignIns=count_distinct(CorrelationId) by UserPrincipalName, tostring(networkNames), networkType, Location

Understanding the Query

First, we union the tables for Non-interactive Sign-ins and regular Sign-ins, excluding all records which do not reflect successful sign-ins (where ResultType == 0). The internal IP ranges are specified in row 3, and then we exclude all records with IP Addresses not in this range. (where IsFromInternalNetwork == false).

The finished table counts all distinct sign-ins and summarizes by the user, and the named networks set up in Azure.

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